
Cubs vs. Tigers

Jason, Ryan, John and Cathy traveled to Detroit to see the Cubs play the Tigers. Unfortunately they saw two loses, but seemed to enjoy themselves anyway.

Detroit was hosting 4th of July festivities and the Bud Clydesdales where there!

Ryan had a great time playing in this fountain, downtown Detroit 'riverwalk' near the GM headquarters. Their hotel was part of GM headquarters. Apparently the place was huge!

A busy day at Comerica Park!

Grrrrrr....Grrrandma and RRRRyan with the Detroit Tiger

This carousel was inside Comerica Park. All the animals were Tigers.

And this baseball ferris wheel was inside the park too!

Ryan, Jason and Grandma went for a ride.

Ryan and Dad at Comerica Park

"Grandma, this is great! Can we come again?"

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