

Today was the first day of Kindergarten!  Ryan climbed aboard the bus with Ms. Vicky and headed off to McDole Elementary to Mrs. Read's class.  The only tears were from Mom...and Brandon, because he had to stay home.  The kids in our subdivision could fill a bus on their own, and there are 7-8 Kindergarteners...lots of camaraderie here!  Here's to a great school year!

Safety Town

The Safety Town Trio!...Ryan Ayden & Abby.  Train safety, water safety, a lesson when to call 911 (taught by Naperville's own 911 dispatcher, Harold)...and so many other things. 
The 3 had a great week learning how to be SAFE. 
Thanks Doug & Angie for sharing photos and Aunt Jenny for letting us play at your house on Monday! 


Ski & Waterpark Weekend 2012

9th Annual? 10th? 26th? Who knows....the trip goes way back, my involvement is 5 or 6 deep now. Regardless, a good time was had by all.

This marked Alex Murr & Chris Ritchie's first ski experience. Alex was a whizz on his skis. Chris tried snowboarding and Jason went with him.

Meanwhile, there was lots of splashing and laughter back at the hotel.....

Ryan, Abby, Brandon & Brynn having fun at the pool!

Brandon & Brynn chillin on the steps.

The goggle-swim-tastic-duo!

Abby chillin' in her tube.

Ryan is such a fish! And my new underwater camera got a great shot of him underwater...fun!

At the ski hill, Ryan stole Grandma's poles!

All set to get on the lift for the first time....John, Jason, Alex, Jeff, Cathy w/ Brandon, Chris & Ryan


Santa Claus

Poor Brandon....I forgot that he is at the age where Santa is a scary guy in a red suit! Without thinking I set him on Santa's lap and he broke into tears. So to try and ease his worries, Jason & I joined this year's picture.

Merry Christmas!

Preschool Thanksgiving Feast

Hello Mr Turkey, how are you?
Hello Mr Turkey, how are you?
With a wobble, wobble, wobble...
And a gobble, goggle, goggle....
Hello Mr Turkey, how are you?

The Sunny Days 4's class entertained us with their turkey songs and then feasted on a wonderful snack, including a fruit salad which they helped prepare.

Ryan's Big Adventure!

In October Ryan went on a very big adventure! He flew with Grandma & Grandpa to Phoenix to visit Uncle John, Aunt Carol, Nikki & Annika. And then the whole crew drove to California and went to Disneyland. Ryan was gone 11 nights. We missed him, but we were glad that he got the opportunity to visit his cousins. He's the only 4-year-old I know that has been to Disney World and Disneyland!

Ryan had many stories to share....
Uncle John is a better driver than Dad.
They ate at Portillos in CA 3 times.
Aunt Carol took him to Starbucks like 12 times.
Nikki & Annika's pool was too cold to go swimming.
He & Grandpa ate mini corn dogs and pizza shaped like Mickey.

But I know he missed us! We picked him up at the airport and he was wearing his Ears....and the cutest 'there's my mom' expression.

Having gone on 2 big vacations this year, you can understand why he now loves to play a pretend game of 'LET'S GO ON VACATION!'

Baby Shower for Katie & Dave

I feel like the baby's on the way (Katie's, I mean!), so better get these posted now :)
We celebrated the anticipated arrival of Springborn cousin #.....ah heck, I can't remember anymore....with a shower at our house. "The baby party" as Ryan called it.

We had lots of good food & drink, very good cake and Katie & Dave went home with lots of great gifts. All aspects of the shower were wonderfully coordinated with a blue & brown theme. It was a great celebration! Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family.