
Ski & Waterpark Weekend 2012

9th Annual? 10th? 26th? Who knows....the trip goes way back, my involvement is 5 or 6 deep now. Regardless, a good time was had by all.

This marked Alex Murr & Chris Ritchie's first ski experience. Alex was a whizz on his skis. Chris tried snowboarding and Jason went with him.

Meanwhile, there was lots of splashing and laughter back at the hotel.....

Ryan, Abby, Brandon & Brynn having fun at the pool!

Brandon & Brynn chillin on the steps.

The goggle-swim-tastic-duo!

Abby chillin' in her tube.

Ryan is such a fish! And my new underwater camera got a great shot of him underwater...fun!

At the ski hill, Ryan stole Grandma's poles!

All set to get on the lift for the first time....John, Jason, Alex, Jeff, Cathy w/ Brandon, Chris & Ryan